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Assertiveness & Self Confidence

About Course

Self-confident and assertiveness are two skills that are crucial for success in life. If you don't feel worthy, and/or you don't know how to express your self-worth when communicating with others, life can be very painful. These skills will provide opportunities and benefits to participants in their professional and personal lives.

The Assertiveness And Self-Confidence course will give participants an understanding of what assertiveness and self-confidence each mean (in general and to them personally) and how to develop those feelings in their day-to-day lives. These skills will encompass many aspects of the participant's lives and have a positive effect on all of them.

Course Objectives:

  • Define assertiveness and self-confidence, and list the four styles of communication
  • Describe the types of negative thinking, and how one can overcome negative thoughts
  • Explain the difference between listening and hearing
  • Define the importance of goal setting, and practice setting SMART goals for assertive behavior
  • Utilize methodologies for understanding your worth -- and the use of positive self-talk
  • List reasons why a pleasing appearance and body language are critical for creating a strong first impression
  • Practice sending positive communications phrased as “I-Messages”
  • Practice strategies for gaining positive outcomes in difficult interpersonal situations.

Short Description

Self-confident and assertiveness are two skills that are crucial for success in life. If you don't feel worthy, and/or you don't know how to express your self-worth when communicating with others, life can be very painful.


Assertiveness & Self Confidence
  • [Lesson] Assertiveness & Self Confidence: ALL LESSONS

Meet Our Teacher

GlobalSparks Academy

GlobalSparks Academy

Administrative Skills Training, Career Development Training, Personal Development Training



1 Lesson(s)

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